Starting Swimming at 4 Months – Good Idea!

Starting Swimming at 4 Months - Good Idea!

Did you know between 4-6 months is the perfect time to start swimming? 

At this stage, your baby has good neck control, has a curiosity about the world around them, and as a parent (especially if this is your first) you are much more relaxed and comfortable with managing your baby in new environments and handling new experiences.

At SwimWorld we have taught our own family, along with thousands of others to really splash down and have a great time in the water, and so we have set up the optimal environment to ensure this new experience is fantastic.

How do we do this?

1) Water sanitization – we are saltwater chlorinated for optimal hygiene, but also because it’s the best for a baby’s skin.
2) Our water is heated to 32 degrees- the optimal temperature for teaching babies to swim.
3) We provide grappling tops – this teaches your baby from day one to grip onto your t-shirt instead of grabbing onto you – rapidly building confidence in the water as they learn to enjoy the movement and independence as a result of buoyancy.

Babies are amazing!

You’ll be amazing at how incredibly your tiny tot adapts to the water. Baby’s have a natural reflex to hold their breath underwater, and powerful stroke actions to propel themselves naturally through the water – and this is an amazing way to bond with your little one, and other parents!

Teaching your baby to swim has so many benefits!

A 2010 study suggested 4-year-old children who had taken swim lessons at some time from the age of 2 months to 4 years were better adapted to new situations, had more self-confidence, and were more independent than non-swimmers.

It makes us so happy to see your amazing babies trying so hard in the pool – and at the same time getting stronger, using more muscles than on dry land, and building a life-saving skill that will help them as they grow.

Baby Swimming

Did you know: 

1) Swimming strengthens cardiovascular health – the heart, lungs and vessels.

2) Swimming builds cognitive skills by developing visual-motor skills- Studies show swimmers are 20 months ahead of non-swimming individuals when it comes to problem-solving and following instructions!

3) Swimming boosts appetite– so if you have a fussy eater this is a great way to use up energy and build a healthy hunger up!

4) Parents will love this one – Swimming improves sleep by reducing stress, releasing tension and calming the mind- not to mention using up excess energy!

5) Swimming improves coordination and balance – the encapsulation means improved strength and flexibility without impact!

6) Water confidence is for life- establishing great habits and confidence in the water means a life of fun- your little one can participate in more activities, build confidence and inspire confidence in those around them through understanding how to survive in the water, and ensure the safety of themselves and those they love in different water-based environments.

The earlier your child gets into swimming and gets comfortable in the water the better transition they make into our beginner program, and from there… Sky’s the limit!

Our commitment to your baby

We are committed to ensuring more children are confident in swimming, surviving, and enjoying the water. To prove this, all babies aged 4-6 months swim FREE with us – we know this is of great help to parents, and we know this forms the start of a wonderful relationship with water- a quintessential part of the Aussie culture.

Find out why our Tiny Tots program is so popular, and why our unique syllabus can help your little one at

(Statistical information from herehere and here)